IAA Town Lectures & Concerts. – The Honey Bee – A Superorganism.

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Date(s) - 14/11/2024
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm

Museum Street Methodist Church


IAA Town Lectures and Concerts 2024

Lecture – November 14th

The Honey Bee – A Superorganism
Jeremy Quinlan

The Suffolk Beekeepers’ Association (SBKA) is the coordinating committee for six independent area beekeeping associations, with a membership of just over 1,000. Keeping honey bees is an intensely practical matter that can’t be learned from books, yet book learning and academic study underpin and illuminate understanding. Bee research is carried out world- wide and discoveries are published every week. It is “a creature, marvellous almost beyond imagining”. Jeremy Quinlan has been keeping bees since 1985. He is currently President of the SBKA and one of four Master Beekeepers in the county.   www.suffolkbeekeepers.co.uk

The Honey Bee - Jeremy Quinlan. - IAA lunchtime Lecture 14th november 2024

Lectures & Concerts are presented at Museum Street Methodist Church,
Ipswich IP1 2EF 
(entrance in Black Horse Lane).
From 1.00 to 1.50pm. Doors open 12.30pm.

ADMISSION IS FREE  – with a retiring collection.
Donations of at least £3.00 per person are valued to maintain the series.
Refreshments, served 12.30 -1.55pm. are included.

Full details of the 2024 series on the TOWN LECTURES & CONCERTS page.