Welcome to Ipswich Arts Association

On our website, you will find details of the IAA, its activities and those
of our many member organisations, which span a wide range of the arts.

Please take a look around, the headings and drop down menus will guide you through the various
subject pages on the site, which includes a comprehensive events listings page highlighting the
range of events and activities by our members, including, Literature, Drama, Choirs, Orchestras,
Film. Photography and more. If you have any comments or questions see the “contact us” page.

Ipswich Arts Association is a registered charity. Charity number 288939


IAA Town Lectures and Concerts 2024

Concert August 8th
Ipswich Hospital Band – Wind Ensemble

Essentially Wind is one of three Ensembles in the IHB family of Bands. This group of
around 12 musicians is available to play at smaller events and venues. Over the years
they have played at weddings, private parties, yacht clubs, fetes, many retirement homes
– especially at Christmastime, charity fund- raising events, Masonic events, RBL events,
church services and many more. Their music is eclectic, ranging from classical and
traditional music to modern, and music from film and theatre.

Ipswich hospital band - Wind Ensemble -IAA Lunchtime concert August 8th 2024

IAA Lectures & Concerts
 Museum Street Methodist Church, Ipswich IP1 2EF
(entrance in Black Horse Lane),  From 1.00 to 1.50pm. Doors open 12.30pm.

ADMISSION IS FREE  – with a retiring collection.
Donations of at least £3.00 per person are valued to maintain the series.
Refreshments, served 12.30 -1.55pm. are included.

Full details of the 2024 series on the TOWN LECTURES & CONCERTS page.


Ipswich Music Day 2024 – Sunday July 7th.
 – IAA ‘Classical Stages’

Thank you!

A big thank you to all our performers and audience for making the
IAA classical stages a successful part of Ipswich Music Day 2024, despite
the downpours, which did nothing to dampen the spirits of all involved.
We look forward to  seeing many of you again next year –
– with fingers crossed for better weather!

Ipswich Arts Association –  ‘Classical Stages’ – Ipswich Music Day 2024.
St. Margarets Church,  Bethesda Baptist Church,
Wolsey Gallery and The Masonic Hall

Programme and timing details for each venue along with
a location map can be found on the  Music Day  page.

The Performers:
◆ Blueberry Moon ◆ Under The Bridge ◆ Ipswich Choral Society ◆ Musicology ◆
◆ Ipswich Gilbert & Sullivan Society ◆ East Coast Collective ◆ Accidentals ◆
◆ Suffolk Constabulary Male Voice Choir ◆ Black Cactus Choir ◆
◆ Suffolk Youth Jazz Orchestra ◆ Ipswich Hospital Community Choir
◆ Trianon Music Group ◆ Funky Voices


Our thanks to Music World, Queen St. Ipswich, for their continued support in
supplying IAA with a Yamaha digital piano for the IAA Classical Stages.


Featured Artist – Andrew Hester

IAA are pleased to present Featured Artists, a series with works by local artists, some from:
The Ipswich Art Society  ●  Suffolk Open Studios  ●  Felixstowe Art Group
Suffolk Art Society  ●  Woodbridge Art Club
With a new artist shown every three weeks or so.

Blackthorn winter by Andrew Hester. Oil on Canvas.‘Blackthorn Winter’ by Andrew Hester

Andrew lives in Woodbridge and is a member of the Woodbridge Art Club.
He has exhibited pictures at West Mersea Colchester and Aldebrugh in the past,
and also at Artspace, Longshed and WAC in Woodbridge.

Click image or here to read more and view current and previous Featured Artists


 Featured Poems

In addition to our
Featured Artist series we are pleased to present Featured Poems,
a series featuring poems from members of the Suffolk Poetry Society.
Follow the links to view both the current and previous poems published in the series.

A new poem will be featured approximately every three weeks. The current poem and previous
submissions are available on the dedicated Featured Poem page. To view Click Here.

The current poem is by Stephanie Sweeney – ‘La brucatura’

Stephanie Sweeney
I was born in Louisiana, and raised in Texas. My poems have been published by The Poetry Review,
Ink Sweat & Tears, and anthologised by Fish Publishing. I grew up in a family of fishermen,
musicians and drinkers, and still dabble in all three. These days, I call Suffolk home.
The poem ‘La brucatura’ won third prize in the Crabbe poetry competition 2023.

Click here to read the current and previous poems from Suffolk Poetry Society


Ipswich Arts Association News Column in the
Community News pages of the East Anglian Daily Times

In the Community News pages of each Tuesday’s East Anglian Daily Times
you will now find the Ipswich Arts Association column with Chris Green.

Current Edition – July 16th.
Click this link or the image to read or download a pdf copy.

Featuring: Martlesham Brass, Rehearsals v Football v Elections?
Trianon, St Margarets Church, and more…

image for IAA / EADT article , community News with Chris Green 16/7/24


Meetings for IAA Members

IAA host a number of meetings throughout the year allowing societies to share
their thoughts about current planning and strategies to deal with the ongoing issues for
performers and the arts post lock-down. These meetings prove highly popular,

Next meeting:  tba

If you wish to attend, please email the secretary to register and obtain a link.
Mary Odam, Secretary IAA: secretary@ipswich-arts.org.uk

Have you or your society signed up for the Ipswich Arts Zoom meetings?



Woodbridge Choral Society – experienced accompanist required
Woodbridge Choral Society are seeking an experienced accompanist for
weekly rehearsals held 7.15 – 9.15pm. at Kyson School, Woodbridge.
Post commences from 15th October.  Applications close 3rd september.
WCS is a thriving choir of 75-90 singers performing 2-3 concerts each year.
For more details click to open pdf – WCS /Accompanist.
For more about WCS visit : wwwwoodbridgechoralsociety.org.uk
or contact via: info@woodbridgechoralsociety.org.uk

Woodbridge Choral Society at Snape Maltings

Woodbridge Choral Society.

Ipswich Arts Association – How To Join
Ipswich Arts Association welcomes membership applications from individuals,
groups and organisations involved in all areas of the arts and across the region.
Find details on the how to apply on our How to Join page

Town Lectures and Concerts
Lectures and Concerts are held live at Museum Street Methodist Church,
(Entrance via Black Horse Lane), IP1 2EF  1pm – 1.50pm.  Doors open 12.40pm.
Please contact: Chandra Grover: townlecturesandconcerts@ipswich-arts.org.uk

Full details of the 2024 programme on the TL&C page  – Town Lectures & Concerts
or click the link to view a pdf of the 2024 Brochure

Ipswich Charter Hangings
Ipswich Arts Association are keen to hear from volunteer stewards,
for sessions on Tuesdays between May – September.
More details are contained in this pdf – Charter Volunteers
If interested or would like to know more about being involved, please email –
Ann Cloke;  charterhangings@ipswich-arts.org.uk

Further details of all notices and updates on our NOTICEBOARD page


Ipswich Charter Hangings 

The Ipswich Charter Hangings are on public display at St Peter’s by the Waterfront.
For details see: St Peters or Ipswich Charter Hangings
St Peter’s is open at the following times, admission free:
May – September: Tuesday 10am – 4pm. Wednesday 12noon – 2pm. Thursday 10am – 4pm.
 October – April: Wednesdays only: 12noon – 2pm.

photo of Ipswich Charter hangings at st Peter's by the Waterfront.The Ipswich Charter Hangings – Eight wall hangings that make up one remarkable work.

poster for charter hangings volunteers 2023

Click image for PDF version.
Email link: Ann Cloke:  charterhangings@ipswich-arts.org.uk
Ipswich Charter Hangings website page: IAA / Ipswich Charter Hangings


Love’s Philosophy – Roger Quilter and Bawdsey Manor
by Chris Green

copoosite photo, Roger quilter & bawdsey manorRoger Quilter / Bawdsey Manor.

Available in the February edition of Norfolk Suffolk Life magazine.
Suffolk Norfolk Life – Love’s Philosophy by Chris Green

image February edition-norfolk & Suffolk Life magazine, link to article "Love's philosophy" by Chris Green

Both the magazine and the article may be read online by following the links below.
A published edition is also available on subscription or from local newsagents.

Suffolk Norfolk Life magazine – Homepage.


 Shining Threads – A New book by IAA member Joy Bounds

Joy will be known to many for her involvement with the IAA, including till recently
organising Concerts for the IAA Town Lecture & Concerts series. Now Joy has published
a new book ‘Shining Threads’ based on events in the life of composer Ethel Smyth.
Published in paperback format it is available from all good bookshops priced £9.99.

Author Joy Bounds and the cover of her new book Shining Threads.Joy Bounds and the cover of ‘Shining Threads’

www.joybounds.co.uk   facebook


Chair of Ipswich Arts Association, Chris Green
wins prestigious prize for music

Long-time Chair of Ipswich Arts Association, Emeritus Professor Chris Green OBE,
conductor of Trianon Music Group and long-time Artistic Director of the Anglia Singers
based at Anglia Ruskin University was named as the winner of the 2023 Making Music
prestigious award on Thursday 4 October at a Zoom ceremony attended by musicians
from across the United Kingdom. Read full report here
Chris Green chair ipswich arts association pictured with debbie Wiseman who presnted him with the Makin music prize 2023Professor Chris Green with Debbie Wiseman who presented the award.
Credit: Trianon Music Group


Hanseatic Ports and Hidden Treasures

Pat Grimwade, a member of the IAA Executive (instrumental music), reveals another string
to her bow, with a knowledge of matters nautical in her book, Ipswich – A Hanseatic Port.

“During the 13th – 15th centuries east coast ports such as Ipswich, King’s Lynn and Boston
traded alongside merchants of the Hanseatic League in the North Sea and the Baltic.
In that period, at the height of the wool and cloth trade with Europe Ipswich was one of the
most important and prosperous ports in the country…”
Read more (opens pdf)

Published by Ipswich Maritime Trust it is available from the following outlets;
Ipswich Museum and Christchurch Mansion, price £2.



The Trianon Enigma

When not chairing IAA meetings Chris Green may, amongst other things, be found conducting
the Trianon Orchestra and Choir, swapping baton for pen Chris has written a new book.

Charting the sixty year history of Suffolk’s best loved Symphony Orchestra and Choir.
In The Trianon Enigma, My Friends Pictured Within  its founder, Chris Green traces its
journey starting with a small youth group in the mid 1950’s, which became inextricably
linked with Ipswich, social developments and the changing face of youth culture.

Read a review by John Norman, Chair of The Ipswich Society – Review (pdf)

Books are available at the price of £10 from:
Ipswich Institute 15 Tavern Street, Ipswich IP1 3AA
Music World 16 Queen Street, Ipswich IP1 1SS
The Card Centre  6 Hamilton Road, Felixstowe IP11 7AU

Books may also be ordered at the price of £10 + £2.50 P&P from:
Dominique Nightingale, 39 Quilter Road, Felixstowe IP11 7JL
dominique.nightingale@btinternet.com   tel: 01394 286928


Ipswich Arts Association:  Privacy Information Notice – click for pdf